Don’t Work To Save The Master’s House

Because the truth is, there is no going back to before and we should be thankful for that. Whether the path forward is full of destruction and devastation or the ashes of the old system become the fertilizer for a new and better world for Black people rests on whether we respond to what the youth are saying with healing and humble wisdom or condemnation and condescension.

Feminist Reflections on my Spiritual Sabbatical

How empowering would if feel to Black men to get our sense of human validation from emotionally supporting our families [broadly defined] rather than anxiously trying to game a system founded in our bondage in order to support them financially? Imagine what our communities might look like if we supported Black women and Black gender-non-conforming folx in transforming leadership and the workplace as Black men and gender-non-conforming folx transformed the home?

Meditations On Liberation

Liberation is joy in its purest form. Liberation is joy arising from moments so splendid and just as to transcend their own context. Liberation is the joy of light bursting through the darkness. Liberation is not merely laughing so hard you cry, it is laughing so hard that your pain loses its meaning and the means to sustain itself. Liberation is when laughter is a treatment not merely an anesthetic.