Acoustic Discourse On Violence

How complicit are you in the project of American Empire ?

How complicit are you in the project of American Empire ?

Here is my latest audio art piece “Acoustic Discourse On Violence.” The piece explores a working logic of non-violent action that is complicated by visceral reactions to fear of the unknown, shame at our moral complicity and responses to aggression. I have been contemplating taking a vow of non-violence and compassion for some time now. I also frequently find myself thinking “why don’t we riot any more?” as the anger–which is a response to the ideologies of dominance that become visceral and integral parts of my lived experience through the assertion of whiteness and capitalism–build up inside me. This is an attempt at exploring those two impulses. As always, please let me know what you think.

One thought on “Acoustic Discourse On Violence

  1. Reblogged this on Aaron Goggans and commented:

    Re-posting this in response to the protests outside the Trump rally in Chicago. It is fascinating to look at this and think about me asking why people don’t riot anymore less than a month before the Ferguson Uprising.


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